IMG_2619Now I’m a Yorkshire lass and no stranger to rain but fecking hell Scotland saved all its rain for my brief visit!
Last year we would have been better off taking the M6 in a canoe rather than our car but this year the sun was out. Brilliant.
Right up to Loch Lomond.
Then it started.
Pretty much didn’t stop till we left, saving the sun for the drive home, go figure.

Proud that this year we navigated Glasgow flawlessly and only drove over the Erskine Bridge once, to this day I have no idea how I ended up going the wrong way over it that one time that still has me the butt of the drive to Scotland jokes.

Undeterred by a bit of water we set off to the beach for a walk. In our raincoats in true Yorkshire/Scottish style. A cute little beach hidden from most tourists, it’s a bit of a trek from the car but lovely.
Until we met a huge bull blocking the gate.
Now I don’t know much about bulls other than I probably couldn’t outrun one if it was pissed that we were in its space. We had a 3 Vs 2 stand off as to how docile it was and whether we should proceed…….we didn’t!
So taking our wet feet back to the car we visited a castle, climbed up a hill fort and went to a café, who due to staffing were only serving salmon and cream cheese sandwiches or carrot and coriander soup. I don’t know anybody’s kids that would happily eat either. No crisps were the last straw for Thing 1, so back home for lunch instead.
The trip to Loch Lomond was equally wet so we decided to save the boat ride for a day when we could see past the vertical rain and the low clouds, which incidentally make for great atmospheric photos.
Now if there’s anywhere ever that will make you feel small and insignificant then an area called The Rest and Be Thankful is it. With its magnificent mountains surrounding the road, the vantage point to park up is always occupied and I could spend plenty of time just sitting there myself.

On to Glasgow for a catch up with my friends girls, Thing 1’s best friends since they were 4 years old. After pizza we left them for their night out and drove the 2 hours home again.
I do love my good friend but jeez it was so much easier when she was next door but one. Now over 300 miles away we only see each other once or twice a year but if it wasn’t for staying at hers then in the current financial state there’d be no holiday to speak of and I’m massively grateful, even though she tells me not to be.
I love the fact my daughter and her girls have a strong friendship also and did I mention it was my best friend who delivered Thing 3? Albeit moaning that she was missing Eastenders but hey that’s what catch up telly is all about.
So that’s the soggy trip to Argyll done, maybe next time the sun will shine and there’ll be no bulls on the beach.




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